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Jupiter Veterinary Products is a company in Cedar Key, Florida.  We do not have many promotions or advertising in order to keep the prices of our products down. We rely on word of mouth from our happy customers and we attend the AAEP convention every year. We try to offer quality products and keep our prices as low as possible as well as the shipping costs. Our goal in addition to offering quality products is to get them to you as fast as possible. We carry almost all our catalog items in stock for immediate shipping. We try to ship the same day your order is received.

Jupiter started after the founder and current owner William H Whitney graduated veterinary school and discovered the not so good dental tools that where available to him. He got together with his father and they designed the Jupiter dental floats in which used a clip and screw to hold the blade in not set screws and speedycut float blades which cut in both directions. Since then many other companies have also started making improved dental equipment. Jupiter has been making these stainless steel equine dental floats, speedycut and carbidecut dental blades for 30 years. Many vets and horse dentists worldwide prefer our quick cutting dental blades and have been using them for many years with great success.

Our Stomach tubes are also used worldwide. The tubes always stay flexible and are acclaimed the best by users. We carry other related equine dental products and equine equipment. We have Pressage leg bandages, Surgery Tables, infla-tops for existing tables, padded recovery hoods, our one handed stainless emasculator featuring a parallel crush, a variety of stomach pumps, mouth speculums, stainless steel ware and a variety of other equine products.

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